Dem Gov Kate Brown To Sign Massive Tax Hike That Will Cost Oregon Small Businesses Billions

By approving the tax hike, Brown betrayed Oregon taxpayers yet again.

The RGA writes:

On Friday, Oregon Democrat Governor Kate Brown said she will sign a massive tax hike that will take billions from hardworking small businesses. By approving the tax hike, Brown betrayed Oregon taxpayers yet again. Brown is already responsible for hundreds of millions of dollars in new taxes during her time in office, hiking taxes on healthcare, gasoline and even bicycles.

This latest tax hike hits small businesses hard – it’s estimated to take over $1 billion from them in just the next six years. Brown reportedly argued that keeping taxes low on small business would be “overly generous.”

Kate Brown has made it clear who she works for: well-connected, left-wing special interest groups, while she repeatedly turns her back on small businesses and families that lack the political clout of her allies.

With her approval rating already plummeting 13 points in the past year, and with a massive new tax hike on the books, it’s clear that it’s time for a fresh start in Oregon.


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