Virginia Dems Fume, Threaten to Withhold Votes For Ralph Northam Over Pipeline Support

Northam's base isn't too happy with him.

Ralph Northam, the Democratic nominee for governor in Virginia, finally admitted his support for energy pipelines in the Commonwealth. But that's not making some voters too happy. 

More from the RGA: 

Over the weekend, Northam was “peppered with questions” by anti-pipeline protesters at a campaign stop. Despite desperate attempts by the Northam campaign to falsely spin Northam’s pipeline support as “the same thing he has been saying all along,” even Democrats aren’t buying it. Anti-pipeline anger directed at Northam was clear when every question Northam faced at his event was “about his support for the pipeline.”

Watch below:

NBC 29: Ralph Northam Faces Pressure from Protesters for Pipeline Views

Democratic candidate for governor Ralph Northam is facing pressure from anti-pipeline groups in central Virginia to oppose Dominion's planned Atlantic Coast Pipeline.

They peppered him with questions at Saturday morning's monthly breakfast meeting of the Albemarle County Democratic Committee.

He fielded many questions after his speech to party members; all of them were about the pipeline.

'I have a very strong environmental record, that's one of the reasons that I got into this business, I grew up on the Chesapeake Bay, it was blue in my backyard,' Northam said.

Northam is running on an environmentalist platform in the race for governor. Some fellow Democrats question how he can call himself an environmentalist and support pipelines."

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