Opinion: Governors' responses to coronavirus offer hope to worried Americans

Governors across the country have been hard at work getting government out of the way when necessary and smoothing the path for citizens and patients alike.

From Fox News

The coronavirus outbreak has turned our world upside down. Schools have closed, businesses temporarily shut down, and countless Americans are staying at home to protect themselves and others.

It’s been a couple weeks for many of us, but it’s still jarring how quickly everything changed. Just a few weeks ago, all anyone was talking about was the 2020 election, and now it’s all COVID-19 all the time. This pandemic is unlike anything we’ve seen in recent decades, yet the American response to it remains on brand: we work together to get through it.

It’s also shone a light on several policy items that until recently have gone under the radar — including the flexibility of telework, the importance of telemedicine across state lines, and loosening the red tape already stifling families that barely get by. They may have gone under the radar, but for many Americans, even before this crisis, these policies keep them employed and a roof over their heads.

A lot of credit must go to President Trump’s leadership nationally. Likewise, the governors across the country have been hard at work getting government out of the way when necessary and smoothing the path for citizens and patients alike.

It is my hope that these changes are not temporary for just this crisis, but they become a permanent foundation for what could be these governors’ legacies of good policy in good times and bad.


Gov. Jim Justice in West Virginia, for example, took action to allow physicians to use telemedicine to care for patients across state lines. This commonsense approach reduces foot traffic to doctors’ offices and hospitals while ensuring individuals retain access to health care providers during this difficult time.

In Texas, Gov. Greg Abbot has directed the state’s medical licensing boards to fast-track the approval of temporary licenses for out-of-state physicians. Governors in New Hampshire, South Carolina, and elsewhere have taken similar action to the benefit of states. And in Florida, Gov. Ron DeSantis has signed legislation allowing nurse practitioners to practice independently of an attending physician.


Gov. Kim Reynolds of Iowa suspended regulations pertaining to vehicle registrations, allowing those whose registrations expire during the current crisis to delay the costs of renewal until they are back to work. Most states have postponed tax filing deadlines to match the federal government’s delay, enabling businesses to keep more cash on hand while many of their doors remain closed.

And Tennessee Gov. Bill Lee has even taken executive action to make child care easier to secure during a time when many essential employees are trying to balance their critical work with caring for children that are home from school.


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