No Comment Cordray Remains Silent As CFPB Chaos Continues

With reports of bureaucratic chaos at the CFPB this morning, Cordray has been silent, giving no comment on the debacle he set off with his exit.

The RGA writes: 

Richard Cordray’s mismanagement of the Consumer Federal Protection Bureau will be a major stain on his gubernatorial campaign – so it’s no surprise he also bungled his exit with the agency descending into chaos. After resigning as head of the CFPB and appointing his Chief of Staff as his replacement, the CFPB has been engulfed in turmoil, with his deputy now attempting to undermine the authority of White House Director Mick Mulvaney, who was appointed to lead the agency temporarily by the President.

With reports of bureaucratic chaos at the CFPB this morning, Cordray has been silent, giving no comment on the debacle he set off with his exit. But while Cordray appears content to wash his hands of the CFPB to pursue his power-hungry political ambitions, he won’t be able to escape his mismanagement of the agency on the campaign trail. One of his fellow Ohio Democrat governor candidates, Connie Pillich, has already blasted Cordray’s “disappointing decision to abandon his post and plunge the future of the bureau into chaos.”

While bureaucratic dysfunction was commonplace at the CFPB under Cordray, his decision to set off a leadership crisis in his departure only adds to the agency’s problems. Cordray may think he can get by with providing no comment on the mess he left in resigning from the CFPB, but if he’s still planning to run for Ohio’s highest office, voters deserve to know why he decided to leave the federal agency he was in charge of in an unprecedented state of chaos on his way out.


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