Far-Left Dems Embrace Major Tax Hikes In Minnesota Governor’s Race

Democrat gubernatorial candidate Rebecca Otto has faced questions over her energy tax hike’s impact on working families

Per the RGA

On Tuesday the far-left Minnesota DFL Environmental Caucus endorsed State Auditor Rebecca Otto for Governor over her massive energy tax hike plan, confirming that Minnesota Democrats are committed to raising taxes and energy prices on hardworking families.

In October, Rebecca Otto faced questions over her energy tax hike’s impact on working families. CBS Minnesota reported that Otto’s plan could raise the cost of a gallon of gas by 20 cents, raise the cost of natural gas by 40%, and raise electricity costs by 5%. Asked about how her plan would impact working families, Otto then responded, “Yes, could the price of fuel go up? Absolutely.” Watch here.

Now that Otto’s tax hike plan is receiving institutional support from the far-left, it’s time for other DFL candidates to weigh in. Do Congressman Tim Walz and Mayor Chris Coleman support Otto’s tax hike?

DFL candidates for governor have already broadly expressed support for tax hikes, with Congressman Tim Walz saying he wants a gas tax increase, while the Star Tribune reports that the entire DFL candidate field supports raising taxes.

It’s time for Walz and Coleman to weigh in.

Otto says her energy tax would "absolutely" raise fuel prices: 

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