Dem Gov Candidate Dana Wachs Puts His Political Ambitions Ahead of Growing Wisconsin Jobs

What does Democrat State Senator Dana Wachs have against jobs?

Democrat State Senator Dana Wachs, who's running for governor of Wisconsin, recently stated his opposition to a deal that would create 13,000 new jobs in the Badger State. 

Here's more from the RGA

"While Governor Scott Walker works to secure thousands of new jobs for Wisconsin, Democrats are working to derail the state’s continued economic success for their own political gain.


Wachs’ decision to oppose the largest economic development project in the history of Wisconsin sends a clear message to workers that their welfare comes second to his political ambitions. While Foxconn is pledging to build “one of the largest manufacturing campuses in the nation,” creating thousands of good-paying jobs in the Badger State, Wachs wants to undermine this to score political points.

Gov. Scott Walker struck the deal with Foxconn Technology earlier this year, and the company pledged to invest $10 billion in the state. Under Gov. Walker, the state of Wisconsin has seen its lowest unemployment rate in decades. Wachs, apparently wants to stop that progress." 


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