WNWO-TV: Yes, Gretchen Whitmer Voted For Granholm’s Tax Hikes and Education Cuts

Whitmer is desperately trying to run away from her history as an enabler of failed Democrat governor Jennifer Granholm

Per The RGA:

Democrat gubernatorial candidate Gretchen Whitmer is desperately trying to run away from her history as an enabler of failed Democrat governor Jennifer Granholm, whose burdensome tax hikes led to 15 percent unemployment and 500,000 lost jobs during Michigan’s lost decade.

While Whitmer has falsely claimed that she stood against Granholm’s agenda and voted against her tax hikes, WNWO-TV looked into Whitmer’s record.

In their report, WNWO-TV concluded that “Whitmer did vote for bills to cut education funding and raise property taxes that were ultimately passed by the legislature and signed by Governor Granholm:”

The facts are indisputable: Whitmer has praised Granholm’s failed leadership and was a reliable yes-vote for her tax hikes that led Michigan into a decade of economic decline. After spending most of her political career as an enabler to Jennifer Granholm and her job-killing agenda, Whitmer can’t run from her record.


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