Which Presidents Had The Best Hair Of All Time?

Number six will shock you!

We know which presidents are the most popular, which were the tallest, and which were the oldest. So, we decided to compile a list of the presidents who had the best hair. Why is this important? It’s not, but we bet you’re wondering who had the best mustache! 😏 🙊

7) Andrew Jackson

Andrew Jackson either had the best or worst hair. We can’t decide, but we do know it’s definitely the fluffiest.

6)  Rutherford B. Hayes

We told you it would shock you. We give that beard a 10/10.

5) Ulysses S. Grant

Look at that swoop. Amazing.

4) Abraham Lincoln 

Just look at that. Perfectly imperfect.

3) John F. Kennedy

Jack was pretty much known for his well-kept locks.

3) Ronald Reagan

I mean what 70 year old has hair like this???

1) Young Richard Nixon 

His hair may not have aged well, but young Richard Nixon’s locks have earned him the #1 spot on this list!

Honorable mention – William Howard Taft’s Mustache:

Our largest president's 'stache is the envy of every modern day hipster! 

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