WATCH: Bernie Sanders Declares His Agenda Has Become the Agenda for the United States

Sanders claims his radical ideas have gone mainstream...

The Washington Free Beacon reports:

Sen. Bernie Sanders (I., Vt.) declared Friday that as a result of his "political revolution," the democratic socialist agenda he supports has become the agenda of the United States of America.

Taking questions from liberal "The View" host Joy Behar about his bitter battle with Hillary Clinton in 2016 for the Democratic nomination, Sanders defended himself as having worked tirelessly to help her defeat Donald Trump.

"What I did was sit down with her and work on a progressive agenda, which has become the agenda of not only the Democratic Party but the United States of America," he said.

Sanders has frequently noted that ideas once thought "radical" and "crazy" have gone mainstream, such as a $15 minimum wage and "Medicare for all." 2020 Democratic candidates have also lined up behind the radical Green New Deal resolution to overhaul the U.S. economic and energy systems, and to tackle climate change and other progressive agenda items.

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