Virginia Dem Gov Terry McAuliffe’s Car Company Ordered To Repay $6.4 Million For Failing To Deliver Promised Jobs

More headaches for McAuliffe

From RGA

Terry McAuliffe’s former electric car company continues to gain negative headlines for the Virginia Democrat Governor. A new report shows the state of Mississippi is now auditing GreenTech Automotive, which McAuliffe founded in 2009, to repay $6.4 million in public funds after failing to deliver on brining promised jobs to the state. In 2013, McAuliffe used GreenTech as a basis for his business skills while running for the governorship – but as Virginia voters and residents of Mississippi have now discovered, McAuliffe’s promises were nothing but an empty tank.

Here's more from the Washington Free Beacon

“GreenTech Automotive, which McAuliffe left in 2012, was unable to deliver on its promise to create jobs in the state of Mississippi, according to the Richmond Times-Dispatch.

Now Mississippi State Auditor Stacey Pickering is asking for the full sum of $5 million in public loans, along with interest and recovery costs, to be repaid in full within 30 days. He warned GreenTech CEO Charles Wang that failure to pay could result in the state filing a lawsuit against the company.


McAuliffe founded GreenTech Automotive by buying a Chinese company and moving it the the U.S. after his failed bid for governor in 2009.


The company quickly became a political liability. McAuliffe attracted criticism for locating the company in Mississippi rather than Virginia, especially after the company began to fall behind its goal of investing $60 million and producing 350 jobs in the Mississippi factory.


‘We’ve never had a company force our hand at this level,’ Pickering said."

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