Under Gov. Larry Hogan, Maryland Is Open For Business and Growing Jobs

Before Gov. Hogan was sworn into office in 2015, the state was suffering.

The RGA writes:

Before Governor Larry Hogan was sworn into office in January 2015, Maryland had experienced numerous job losses as it increasingly became hostile to businesses and hard working families. The previous administration had imposed countless burdensome taxes and fees. The state was suffering.

But since Governor Hogan took office, Maryland’s turnaround story had made the state a model of successful governance, as Gov. Hogan took action to reduce the burden of government, make Maryland more friendly to business, and encourage job growth.

Governor Hogan’s effective governance has transformed Maryland from a state that used to watch jobs and companies leave for greener pastures, to one that is growing jobs and expanding opportunity. His administration continues to achieve meaningful results:

– Job Growth: Since 2014, Maryland has added more than 138,000 jobs, and is the fastest growing state for job growth in the Mid-Atlantic.

– Open For Business: In 2017, Maryland had the best year for business in the last 15 years, and the best year for job growth in a decade.

– Reduced Unemployment: Maryland’s unemployment rate has dropped under Governor Hogan, falling 5.5 percent in 2014 to 4 percent today – below the national average.

– Better Business Climate: According to CNBC’s 2017 ranking of America’s top states for business, Maryland ranked25th, rising from 30th place in 2016 and 36th in 2015. Maryland is now fourth among all 50 states for entrepreneurial business growth.

– Record Education Funding: Governor Hogan has proposed record K-12 funding each year, and is proposing even more for next year.

While other east-coast states led by Democrat governors continue driving families and businesses away with reckless spending and high taxes, Larry Hogan is bringing jobs back by enacting pro-growth, low tax policies. Governor Hogan is keeping his promise to change Maryland for the better.


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