Texas Governor Greg Abbott is bringing public and private sector experts together to get the Lone Star State up and running again in a carefully calculated manner. He issued three executive orders on Friday to put Texas on track for a full recovery from the economic and social impacts of COVID-19, creating an advisory “Strike Force” and setting a timeline to begin lifting social distancing restrictions.
“Texans are battling a colossal challenge—an invisible enemy that has tested our lives and our livelihoods—but overcoming challenges is part of who we are as Texans,” said Governor Abbott.
The Governor’s Strike Force to Open Texas includes medical experts as well as public and private sector leaders, tasked with helping guide the state to a safe reopening and recovery. The medical experts serving on the team will focus on testing and tracking COVID-19 to ensure all reopening actions are done in a manner that puts public health first. Alongside them is a Special Advisory Council of 39 Texas business leaders to advise the governor on how to best implement the strike force’s newly developed statewide guidelines.
“We have shown that Texas can continue our efforts to contain COVID-19 while also adopting safe standards that will allow us to begin the process of reopening Texas,” added Governor Abbott. “The Strike Force to Open Texas brings together nationally recognized medical experts with public and private sector leaders to achieve this mission. By coming together, we can get Texans back to work, practice safe standards that will prevent the spread of COVID-19, and we can overcome this pandemic.”
Texas Governor Greg Abbott Deploys “Strike Force” To Restart And Revitalize The Lone Star State
Texas Governor Greg Abbott is bringing public and private sector experts together to get the Lone Star State up and running again.