Far-left Idaho Democrat A.J. Balukoff still doesn’t get it.
Yesterday, he officially launched his Idaho gubernatorial campaign, arguing “not so much has changed” since 2014. Back then, voters resoundingly rejected his candidacy by 15 points because of his support for out-of-touch policies like a statewide property tax, expanding the sales tax, Obamacare expansion, and funding political campaigns with taxpayer dollars. It appears there isn’t any problem that Balukoff thinks can’t be fixed by raising taxes.
Unfortunately for Balukoff, Idahoans don’t want to pay for his far-left agenda now any more than they did in 2014.
For a refresher on A.J. Balukoff’s far-left agenda, be sure to watch this television ad.
TBT: Far-Left Idaho Dem Gov Candidate A.J. Balukoff Still Wants To Raise Taxes
Unfortunately for Balukoff, Idahoans don’t want to pay for his far-left agenda...