As he runs for Dan Malloy’s third term by supporting job-killing tax increases, Connecticut Democrat gubernatorial candidate Ned Lamont is quickly gaining the support of tax hiking politicians around the state. This weekend, Ted Kennedy Jr. became the latest Malloy Enabler to back Lamont in the primary.
Last year, when Kennedy was himself being considered as a top Democrat recruit for Connecticut’s highest office, he touted his efforts to impose a carbon tax on Connecticut families. Even after Malloy’s tax increases caused massive job losses, credit downgrades, fiscal crises, and business departures, Kennedy wanted to raise the tax burden even more.
After eight years of economic decline under Democrat rule, Connecticut needs a new direction, not another term of Dan Malloy’s policies with Ned Lamont.
Tax Hikers Stick Together: Ted Kennedy Jr. Backs Ned Lamont In Connecticut Dem Gov Primary
Ted Kennedy Jr. has become the latest Malloy Enabler to back Lamont in the primary.