Governor Kristi Noem announced there will be another $345 million in grants to help small businesses, non-profits, and health care providers deal with the pandemic and losses in revenue.
To offset reductions in cash flow, $195 million in grants is dedicated for small businesses and non-profits. Eligibility for this grant will be based on the same standards as the first round of theses grants. Also, organizations that received grants in the first round are able to re-apply for more funding.
Further health care grants will be offered to help deal with lost revenue in the fall for health care providers. $150 million is allocated to health care providers, with $75 million designated for hospitals, nursing homes, and skilled nursing facilities.
Another $75 million to go to community-based safety net programs who serve uninsured or vulnerable people.
“South Dakota is in a strong position thanks to the amazing work of our small businesses and health care providers,” said Noem in a statement. “This additional relief will help ensure that our economic engines continue to thrive and our health care providers have the resources they need to continue the excellent care they give to our friends, family, and neighbors.”
The applications will be accepted December 14 though December 20. For more information on eligibility requirements and the application process, click here.
South Dakota Gov. gives $345 million in grants to small businesses
Governor Kristi Noem announced there will be another $345 million in grants to help small businesses, non-profits, and health care providers deal with the pandemic and losses in revenue.