RGA Releases New TV Ad In New Jersey Governor’s Race: “Doesn’t Pay”

The ad highlights Murphy's hypocritical stance of supporting $15 per hour minimum wage while paying his campaign staff less.

The RGA reports

The Republican Governors Association released a new television advertisement in the New Jersey governor’s race today, highlighting Democrat Phil Murphy’s hypocritical stance of supporting a $15 per hour minimum wage while paying his own campaign staff less.

“Phil Murphy has made a $15 minimum wage a central platform in his campaign, but was caught paying his own campaign staff less,” said RGA Communications Director Jon Thompson. “Phil Murphy’s ‘do as I say, not as I do’ style proves once again that he just doesn’t get New Jersey.”


Multi-millionaire Phil Murphy says he’s for a $15 minimum wage.

But he didn’t pay it himself.

Phil Murphy: he’s really loaded, really liberal, and really doesn’t get New Jersey.

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