Potential Primary Fight Looms For Rhode Island Dem Gov Gina Raimondo

Raimondo is struggling to convince voters – and even members of her own party – that she deserves a second term.

The RGA writes: 

A potential primary fight continues to loom over Rhode Island Democrat Governor Gina Raimondo’s re-election hopes. As her predecessor Lincoln Chafee drums up speculation that he will run against her, Raimondo is struggling to convince voters – and even members of her own party – that she deserves a second term. 

Last week, Chafee drew headlines by meeting with Democrat Rhode Island House Speaker Nicholas Mattiello to reminisce about the days of “competence from the executive branch.” WPRI-TV noted that “neither man is a big fan of Raimondo, and Mattiello of course effectively controls the state party apparatus as speaker,” making his support highly consequential for any efforts to unite Rhode Island Democrats in the coming year. 

With Chafee appearing to actively engage top party leaders who’ve soured on Raimondo in recent months, the former Democrat governor threatens to divide the party with an expensive, drawn-out primary fight against Raimondo. And with Raimondo’s approval rating plummeting in recent polls, the most vulnerable incumbent Democrat governor in America’s problems are only getting worse.
