Oregon Dem Gov Kate Brown Refuses To Detail Specifics of Her $1.4 Billion Energy Tax Hike

Instead of being honest about her $1.4 billion energy tax hike, Brown is refusing to provide details, keeping the public in the dark.

The RGA writes: 

Oregon Democrat Kate Brown is the most scandal-plagued incumbent governor in America, and now she’s trying to force another tax hike on hardworking Oregon families in order to bail out her wasteful spending.

Instead of being honest about her $1.4 billion energy tax hike, Brown is refusing to provide details, keeping the public in the dark about a tax that could destroy Oregon’s economy. The Capital Press is reporting that Brown is asking businesses “to pay an unknown price…”

They ask, “How much, exactly, would the cost of gasoline, diesel fuel, natural gas and electricity increase under the plan?”

Brown won’t say. All we know is that she is pushing an energy tax that is estimated to cost Oregon taxpayers $1.4 billion every two years. It’s being called a potential “boondoggle” that would drive businesses out of the state.

Kate Brown has already shown that she will push tax hikes drafted behind closed doors and refuse to answer questions from the press. Will she do the same once again?
