New Poll Shows Rhode Island Dem Gov Gina Raimondo In Serious Jeopardy of Losing In November

A new poll shows Democrat Governor Gina Raimondo in serious jeopardy of losing her re-election in Rhode Island.

The RGA writes:

A new poll shows Democrat Governor Gina Raimondo in serious jeopardy of losing her re-election in Rhode Island. The latest survey by WPRI-TV and Roger Williams University has Raimondo in a statistical tie against a potential Republican challenger, even after spending over $1 million in early ads to boost her image among voters.

These results closely resemble WPRI-TV and Roger Williams University’s last poll several months ago that also showed Raimondo and her closest challenger within the margin of error. To make matters worse, Raimondo’s job approval rating remains well below 50 percent, with WPRI-TV analyst Joe Fleming stating that “overall her favorability number has not moved at all” and that “the governor has spent the money to try and move those voters, but so far it hasn’t worked.”

With another poll showing Republicans within striking distance of defeating Raimondo this November, voters are making it clear that they are ready for new leadership in Rhode Island. After years of stagnant economic growth and alarming scandals, Rhode Islanders are ready to turn the page on Gina Raimondo’s failures.


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