RGA Launches New Digital Campaign & Radio Ad In Georgia Governor’s Race: “Stacey Whoever”

Stacey Abrams and Stacey Evans both have records of supporting tax hikes and big government programs that would hurt Georgia families.

Per The RGA:

The Republican Governors Association launched a new digital campaign and radio ad in the Georgia governor’s race today, highlighting how Democrat gubernatorial candidates Stacey Abrams and Stacey Evans both have records of supporting tax hikes and big government programs that would hurt Georgia families.

You can visit the hub for the digital campaign and listen to the new radio ad here: www.StaceyWhoever.com

“If elected, Stacey Whoever has made it clear that they would back a far-left agenda that includes more big government spending and tax hikes on Georgians,” said RGA Communications Director Jon Thompson. “In the midst of a divisive and nasty Democrat primary, one thing is clear: Stacey Whoever is wrong for Georgia.”


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