Nebraska Governor announces initiative to combat addiction

Governor Pete Ricketts announced the launch of a new initiative aimed at treating and preventing addiction

KHGI reports:

Governor Pete Ricketts announced the launch of a new initiative aimed at treating and preventing addiction in Nebraska on Monday morning.

Ricketts said the program will bring the Nebraska Department of Health and Human Services, the Attorney General's Office and the University of Nebraska Medical Center together to provide training and awareness initiatives to find real solutions for substance abuse. The announcement was made at the Lauritzen Outpatient Center at the University of Nebraska Medical Center in Omaha.


“By working together to combat drug addiction, we can come together and build a healthier Nebraska,” said Ricketts. “The addiction fellowship will address substance use disorders, not only illicit drug addiction, but also the even larger public health issues of nicotine dependence, alcohol use, and binge drinking. Thanks to the collaboration of numerous partners, this opportunity will allow Nebraska to train our own specialists, as well as increase visibility for UNMC’s excellence in clinical training, scholarship, research, and advocacy.”

"We know this is something that is dangerous, it's painful, it's perilous, and families are impacted by addiction. Nebraska is taking steps to be able to address this preventable health issue," Ricketts said.

He also said addiction is one of the most deadly, costly and preventable health issues in our country, and that nearly 25% of deaths in Nebraska are related to substance or alcohol addiction.


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