Connecticut Dem Gov Candidate Ned Lamont Embraces Dan Malloy’s Failed Education Policies

Ned Lamont continues to frame his candidacy around the continuation of Failed Governor Dan Malloy’s agenda.

Per the RGA:

After unequivocally confirming that he will raise taxes if elected, Connecticut Democrat gubernatorial candidate Ned Lamont continues to frame his candidacy around the continuation of Failed Governor Dan Malloy’s agenda. At a campaign event yesterday, Lamont gave his support to Malloy’s education aid policies, heaping praise on Malloy’s actions.

Unfortunately, Lamont’s rhetoric shows how little he’s been paying attention to what’s happened to Connecticut’s education system under Malloy. Last year, Malloy called for slashing millions in educational aid to schools across the state in response to the budget crisis created by his mismanagement. Malloy’s proposals reduced state aid to 54 schools districts and left 85 districts with no aid at all, as the decision was met “with dismay and anger” from municipal officials. Educators interviewed by The Wall Street Journal at the time called the situation a “travesty,” causing an indescribable “feeling of angst” for teachers and school administrators forced to deal with the effects of reduced aid.

Despite the clear negative impact of Dan Malloy’s policies on the people of his state, Lamont remains committed to continuing them. Lamont’s eagerness to build his campaign on his failed governor’s agenda shows how unfit he is to lead the state.


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