Impeaching Kavanaugh Rouses Progressive Democrats After Confirmation

House Democrats may keep going after Kavanaugh if they take back the House in November...

Per NBC News:

Even before Brett Kavanaugh won the Senate's consent to ascend to the Supreme Court, liberals started looking for ways to remove him.

A petition to impeach Kavanaugh has gathered over 125,000 signatures, progressive groups have raised money to expel him from the federal bench and a key Democratic lawmaker has promised to investigate the judge if the party retakes the House in November.

While it's highly unlikely Kavanaugh will become the first Supreme Court justice in American history to be removed (Samuel Chase was impeached in 1804 but was acquitted by the Senate and remained on the bench), the calls for his ouster speak to the fury felt by the liberal base.


Rep. Jerrold Nadler, D-N.Y., who would become chairman of the House Judiciary Committee if Democrats retake the House, and who would probably be the point-person on issues of impeachment, has signaled that he would reopen an investigation into Kavanaugh, who would be a sitting member of the high court by the time the new Congress is sworn in in January.

"Accountability is what has been missing under the Republicans," Nadler said in the weekly Democratic address. "This is something we have to address, in the interest of the American people and for the health and future of our democracy."

Nadler offered more detail in an interview with The New York Times, saying a Democratic Congress would probably move quickly to subpoena records from the White House and the FBI relating to their background investigation into Kavanaugh, and that it would consider interviewing dozens of potential witnesses whom the FBI did not.

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