Democrat gubernatorial candidate Karl Dean has still refused to say whether he agrees with Hillary Clinton’s disparaging attack on Tennessee voters, even though some Clinton allies and other Democrats have called out their former candidate.
Last week, Hillary Clinton was caught on tape in India attacking voters in states that voted for President Trump as “backwards.” Karl Dean was a strong supporter of Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign, and was even in the audiencefor her nomination acceptance speech in Philadelphia to personally cheer her on – but he’s refused to say anything about Clinton’s attack on Tennessee voters.
Even Clinton allies like Dick Durbin have said that Hillary was “wrong.” Why won’t Karl Dean stand up for Tennessee and condemn Clinton’s offensive comments?
Does Karl Dean agree with Hillary Clinton’s view that states that didn’t vote for her are “backwards?”
Hillary Clinton Cheerleader Karl Dean Refuses To Admit If He Agrees With Her Attack On Tennessee Voters
Karl Dean was a strong supporter of Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign...