Governor Eric Holcomb Builds On Strong Record With 2020 Next Level Agenda

Governor Holcomb has outlined a clear and specific set of initiatives in five key policy areas to build a better future for working Indiana families.

The RGA reports:

Indiana is booming with Governor Eric Holcomb at the helm, drawing a record number of jobs and making historic infrastructure investments, all while maintaining the nation’s best AAA credit rating and a near 19-year low unemployment rate – and he’s making it clear that he is just getting started.

In his 2020 Next Level Agenda, unveiled this week, Governor Holcomb outlined a clear and specific set of initiatives in five key policy areas to build a better future for working Indiana families:

  1. A Strong & Diverse Economy
  • Since Governor Holcomb has taken office, Indiana has gained over 63,000 jobs and is firmly cemented as one of the best states in the country for businesses, boasting one of the best tax climates for job creators.
  • The governor’s track record has earned him the endorsement of the Indiana Chamber of Commerce, marking only the second time that the organization has endorsed a candidate for governor.
  • Governor Holcomb’s plan will expand tourism and business investment by bringing more direct flights from international cities to Indiana airports, and elevating Indiana’s economic development efforts with through collaboration between the private sector and the Indiana Development Corporation.
  1. Improved Infrastructure
  • Governor Holcomb is investing resources into infrastructure projects across Indiana, with a focus on transportation, broadband access, and green space.
  • The governor has set a goal of investing $100 million to preserve and protect parks throughout the state, while also deploying $436 million for water quality improvement projects.
  • His pledge to extend broadband to underserved areas in Indiana was lauded by the Chamber of Commerce, stating, “The Governor’s push for better broadband connectivity statewide is critical; this is a big issue for businesses and communities wanting to attract talent.”
  1. A 21st Century Workforce 
  • Governor Holcomb’s plan puts education at the forefront. The governor announced that he will seek solutions to improve teacher pay through the Next Level Teacher Compensation Commission, and work to identify unfunded mandates and unnecessary requirements in K-12 education.
  • These education improvements will help create a pipeline of skilled workers, a critical need that Governor Holcomb is also addressing through the state’s Next Level Jobs program, which provides free skills training to workers in high-growth fields.
  1. Promoting Public Health
  • Governor Holcomb’s Next Level Agenda includes important improvements to support working moms and families. He announced support for legislation to provide more flexible and supportive conditions for pregnant women in the workplace.
  • To ensure Hoosiers have access to critical healthcare information, Governor Holcomb’s plan would provide increased transparency for healthcare pricing through an online database. The president and CEO of Union Health System backs the governor’s proposal noting, “we are 100 percent behind this.”
  1. Delivering Great Service
  • $125 million in taxpayer funds are saved under Governor Holcomb’s Next Level Agenda, easing the burden on Hoosier families and workers.

“Governor Holcomb’s Next Level Agenda demonstrates his clear commitment to providing solutions on the issues that matter to Hoosiers,” said RGA Communications Director Amelia Chassé Alcivar. “From expanding job opportunities to elevating education, Governor Holcomb is putting Indiana on an exciting path toward even greater prosperity and success.”

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