GOP Governor Matt Bevin’s bold conservative leadership continues to get results as he transforms Kentucky into a model for attracting investment and spurring job creation.
Kentucky-based Braidy Industries announced that global aluminum leader Rusal will invest $200 million in helping the company build “America’s first low-carbon environmentally conscious aluminum mill.” In their report, Forbesapplauded Governor Bevin’s role in making the investment possible:
“Governor Matt Bevin, in partnership with entrepreneurs like Bouchard, is working to make Kentucky the seat of advanced manufacturing in America. He’s made significant progress in a few short years bringing nearly $19.4 Billion in investments to the state and helping to create more than 51,412 jobs.
Bevin worked tirelessly to bring Braidy Industries to Kentucky and won unheard of and unanimous bi-partisan support for the State to make a strategic equity investment in Braidy Industries.
Unlike the now imploded New York City Amazon deal, where a corporation gets enormous incentives in the form of grants and gifts—with no exchange of shares or shareholder value—Kentucky will be a direct beneficiary in Braidy’s success.”
With Governor Bevin leading the way in Kentucky, working families are gaining access to new high-paying jobs as the state’s economy continues to move toward unprecedented new heights.
GOP Governor Matt Bevin’s Kentucky Becoming The “Seat of Advanced Manufacturing In America”
Working families are gaining access to new high-paying jobs as the state’s economy continues to move toward unprecedented new heights.