Georgia Dems Grow Increasingly Divided After Weekend Meltdown, Hurting Gubernatorial Chances

Netroots Nation debacle highlights deep division within Georgia Democratic Party

Last weekend, Georgia Democrats went into full meltdown mode during the Netroots Nation convention in Atlanta. Supporters of gubernatorial candidate Stacey Adams booed primary opponent Stacey Evans, scuffles broke out, and angry words were shouted. Simply put: it wasn't the Democrats' finest hour. But, it did highlight just how deep Democrats are divided between their party's two leading candidates for governor.

Columnist Bill Torpy writes in the Atlanta Journal-Constitution:

"The event was just the latest example of why the Democratic Party seems ready to relegate itself to permanent bridesmaid status, not only here in Georgia but from sea to shining sea. And the Republican front-runner in the governor’s race, Lt. Gov. Casey Cagle, was no doubt grinning big time.


The governor’s election is next year but cracks in the Democratic foundation are already showing. It’s like the Bernie voters taking their toys and going home after Hillary Clinton won the primary. On the other hand, two-thirds of Republicans couldn’t stand Trump but they still put clothespins on their noses and voted come November.

The Dems have a problem. They say they want a big tent, but each member walking under that covering seems not to care much about the opinions of fellow travelers. It’s about identity politics, not what combines them as voters."

Washington Post: Shouting ‘trust black women,’ Netroots protesters disrupt speech from white Georgia candidate

Rep. Stacey Evans (D-Ga.), a legislator running to be the Democratic nominee for governor of Georgia, spent her entire 10-minute speech at the annual Netroots Nation Conference talking over protesters who chanted “trust black women!” and compared her to Secretary of Education Betsy DeVos.

The protests put racial tensions progressive activists on display, with protesters accusing white progressives and Democrats of holding Rep. Stacey Abrams (D-Ga.), the first black female leader of her party in the legislature, to higher standards than the white and moderate Evans."

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