FLIP-FLOP ALERT: Democrat Gov. John Bel Edwards Abandons His Calls For Medicaid Work Requirements In Louisiana

The Associated Press reports that Edwards’ administration is “backpedaling” on pursuing work requirements for Medicaid recipients, despite the fact that he claimed he was “actively working” on doing so earlier this year.

The RGA Reports:

Democrat Governor John Bel Edwards continues to say one thing while doing another, failing to follow through on his word to the people of Louisiana.

The Associated Press reports that Edwards’ administration is “backpedaling” on pursuing work requirements for Medicaid recipients, despite the fact that he claimed he was “actively working” on doing so earlier this year.

As recently as January 2019, Edwards confirmed to The Times-Picayune that he still supported work requirements and had even hired a consulting firm to help the state develop a program.

However, Edwards went back on his word in today’s announcement, with The AP writing “it’s clear the governor’s office is not embracing the concept,” under the headline “Louisiana governor shelves Medicaid work requirement idea.” The reversal came after months of stonewalling from the governors office – The AP reportedly “asked for updates on the work requirement discussions across several months, getting scant information.”

“John Bel Edwards’ flip-flop is another example of the governor failing to follow through on his promises to Louisiana voters,” said RGA Deputy Communications Director John Burke. “Just as he did when he abandoned his pledge to not raise taxes on working families, Edwards is now going back on his word for Medicaid work requirements. Louisiana deserves a governor who keeps their promises, not a flaky politician who says one thing and does another.”

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