Fire Fighters Back Sununu While Feltes Touts Endorsement From Extreme Anti-Police, Pro-Green New Deal Group

The Professional Fire Fighters of New Hampshire announced their endorsement of Governor Chris Sununu

Per RGA:

Just hours after income tax enthusiast Dan Feltes managed to squeak out a win over Bernie Bro Andru Volinsky in Tuesday’s contentious New Hampshire Democratic primary, the first general election endorsements said volumes about the state of the race.

The Professional Fire Fighters of New Hampshire announced their endorsement of Governor Chris Sununu, a huge coup for the governor as they have endorsed Feltes and other Democrats in the past. Governor Sununu was joined at an event in Concord by representatives of the group’s 2,000 members and President Bill McQuillen, who praised the governor’s leadership in the COVID-19 pandemic and his unwavering commitment of public safety.

“He has kept people safe, provided life-saving resources for those on the front lines and is the exact type of leader we need to keep in the Corner Office. Chris Sununu has championed legislation that keeps our communities safe, and we at the Professional Fire Fighters of New Hampshire share the governor’s vision for a safer, stronger New Hampshire… Our union of professional fire fighters, paramedics and dispatchers put public safety and a stronger public safety workforce ahead of partisanship, and so does Chris Sununu.”

As Governor Sununu stood with first responders, Feltes was touting a very different endorsement from far-left NextGen New Hampshire, an affiliate of liberal California billionaire Tom Steyer’s NextGen America. NextGen advocates for a radical agenda that is completely out-of-touch with the vast majority of Granite Staters, including defunding the police and advocating for the Green New Deal-style energy policies that have left millions without power in California.

“It took less than 24 hours for Dan Feltes to make it clear to the people of New Hampshire that he marches in lockstep with extreme liberals who want to defund the police and raise energy costs on working families,” said RGA Communications Director Amelia Chassé Alcivar. “New Hampshire’s first responders are standing with Governor Sununu because he supports and values their critical mission to keep communities safe.”

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