Elizabeth Warren pitches policies totaling $100 trillion at town hall: estimates

Warren's signature proposals at a town hall event Monday night -- which, all told, could cost a combined $100 trillion, according to recent estimates.

Fox News reports:

Elizabeth Warren promoted some of her signature proposals at a town hall event Monday night -- which, all told, could cost a combined $100 trillion, according to recent estimates.

Sen. Warren, D-Mass., discussed the policies -- the Green New Deal, universal child care and slavery reparations -- at a CNN town hall event in Jackson, Miss. The 2020 Democratic hopeful told the crowd that the Green New Deal represents a way forward for the country.

“That’s how we build a future. And I’ll add one little piece to it and say when you take a look at the Green New Deal, understand this is about building the infrastructure for the 21st century, for a sustainable world,” Warren said.


The final costly proposal backed by Warren on Tuesday night was her universal child care proposal, which would reportedly cost $700 billion over 10 years.

Warren discussed the plan, as well as her early education proposal, and how it would be paid for on Monday night.

“We get a 2 percent tax on the 75,000 richest families in this country, we would have enough money to provide universal childcare, universal pre-k, universal pre-pre-k for every child in America and still have $2 trillion left over. Let’s make it happen.”


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