Who? Iowa Democrats Struggle With Unknown Gubernatorial Candidates

“I know Kim Reynolds, that’s pretty much the only one that rings a bell.”

From RGA

"In Iowa, Democrats running in the state’s 2018 gubernatorial election can’t seem to get their campaigns off the ground, as most voters still have no idea who any of them are. As WHO-TV reports, Iowans interviewed at the Iowa State Fair this weekend seemed unfamiliar with any Democrat candidate for governor, leading one voter to note that, “I know Kim Reynolds, that’s pretty much the only one that rings a bell.” Even those who do back specific Democrat candidates, like one Nate Boulton supporter, admitted that they “don’t know too much more about him.” As Iowa Democrats’ unknown field of candidates struggles to gain any name recognition, their chances of reversing their party’s recent fortunes continue to diminish."

And here's more from WHO-TV:

"'Who are some of these people, anyways?'

That's the question heard over and over at this year's Cast your Kernel booth at the Iowa State Fair.

'I can’t vote with a clear conscience because I don’t know who all those people are, so I can’t even cast a kernel, which is pretty sad, right, I don’t know. I think they need to start talking more because I don’t know any of those people,' said Des Moines resident Erica Rugama.

There was a lot of confusion as fairgoers looked at the faces of the candidates for governor and wondered who they are. It's clear that the bios of many of the candidates are not well-known among voters, if the fair is any indication."

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