New Report: Maryland Democrats Are “Nervous and Concerned” About Ben Jealous’ Floundering Campaign For Governor

Jealous continues to face criticism for numerous mistakes and gaffes throughout his campaign for governor.

The RGA writes:

Maryland Democrat Ben Jealous continues to face criticism for numerous mistakes and gaffes throughout his campaign for governor.

With Democrat-leaning unions abandoning Jealous for Governor Larry Hogan, Democrat lawmakers refusing to support their nominee, and Ben Jealous going viral for dropping an “f-bomb” on a reporter for inquiring about his ties to socialism, his campaign has struggled to catch fire. Now, Maryland Democrats are reportedly growing increasingly “nervous and concerned” about his floundering campaign.

The Washington Post reports that Jealous “ceded the stage to Hogan” on Friday and refused to attend a longstanding conference of Maryland’s state, federal and local officials. The Washington Post explains that Jealous’ decision to shun the attendees of the event, including the press, is causing a “wave of anxiety” among Maryland Democrats who are growing “nervous and concerned” about their nominee. Jealous trails Hogan by 16 points according to the latest polling.

“Jealous’s decision to skip the Maryland Association of Counties summer gathering — instead meeting with voters in Baltimore City and Frederick — set off another wave of anxiety among his supporters in the Democratic establishment.”

“‘Democrats are nervous and concerned,’ said John T. Willis, a longtime Democratic strategist and University of Baltimore professor who wrote a book on Maryland politics and attended the conference.”

From cursing at a reporter to making a $2,800 tax on every man, woman and child in the state the centerpiece of his campaign, it’s become all too clear that Ben Jealous is simply not ready for primetime.


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