Dem Gov Kate Brown Fails To Keep Promises On Education To Oregon Students

Oregon students are paying the price for Gov. Brown's failed management.

Uh oh. 

Under Democrat Oregon Governor Kate Brown’s failed budget management, the state will not be able to follow through on its promise of free community college tuition for many new students this fall. With the Oregon Promise program, which Brown signed into law two years ago, left $8 million short in funding this year, the state has changed eligibility requirements, disqualifying a fifth of prospective students from participating. Brown continues to make promises she can’t keep, and now, because of her failed management, Oregon students are paying the price.

CNN has more: 

Oregon became one of the first states to make tuition free for new students at community colleges last year, but the cash-strapped state can't fully fund the program this fall.

Now some students won't be able to participate.

Due to high turnout and limited funding, the eligibility requirements for the scholarship had to be changed -- disqualifying some of the wealthier students.
Lawmakers appropriated $40 million for the Oregon Promise program for the next two years, knowing it was $8 million short of the projected cost.
Despite the budget shortfall, the state expects to still award scholarships to four out of five of the new eligible applicants, according to the Oregon Higher Education Coordinating Commission.

Wait... Shouldn't they have seen this coming? Rhode Island is trying something similiar..