Connecticut Dem Gov Candidate Dita Bhargava Triples-Down On Dan Malloy’s Tax-&-Spend Agenda

Liberal hedge fund manager Dita Bhargava is tripling-down on Failed Governor Dan Malloy’s disastrous tax-and-spend policies...

The RGA writes: 

Liberal hedge fund manager Dita Bhargava is tripling-down on Failed Governor Dan Malloy’s disastrous tax-and-spend policies, further proving how out-of-touch she is with Connecticut’s challenges. In a new interview, Bhargava says she wants “more tax revenue” to “fund progressive ideas.” Bhargava’s comments echo similar sentiments she expressed in October on bringing “new revenue to our state,” borrowing one of Malloy’s favorite euphemisms for tax hikes:

“But to fund progressive ideas, where will the resources come from? It has to come from economic growth, and more tax revenue. For me, the two go hand-in-hand.”

Bhargava’s call to raise taxes also comes after the Wall Street Journal reported that Connecticut has already come up roughly $208 million short on tax revenue just halfway through the current budget year even after the state legislature enacted “deep spending cuts” following last year’s $400 million shortage in tax revenue that resulted in multiple credit downgrades.

After Dan Malloy’s catastrophic tax hikes drove Connecticut into fiscal crisis by drying up the state’s source of revenue, Dita Bhargava seems to think even more tax hikes are what the people of her state need. Bhargava’s decision to triple down on Malloy’s failed agenda further proves that she is far too out-of-touch to get Connecticut back on track as governor.
