On CNN, Florida Dem Gov Nominee Andrew Gillum Reiterates His Support For A Radical Far-Left Agenda

Gillum is making it clear that he’s not moving to the center or backing down from his radical far-left positions.

The RGA writes:

Florida Democrat gubernatorial nominee Andrew Gillum is making it clear that he’s not moving to the center or backing down from his radical far-left positions.

During an interview on CNN this morning, Gillum confirmed his support for the radical Abolish ICE movement, massive tax hikes, and taxpayer-funded universal government controlled healthcare – which one study recently showed would cost $32.6 trillion and require significant tax increases.

Gillum is by far the most extreme far-left Democrat gubernatorial nominee in Florida history. Floridians can’t afford the costs of his radical, job-killing agenda.

Bloomberg: "Medicare for All" Would Cost $32.6 Trillion Over 10 Years, Study Says  

Sen. Bernie Sanders' "Medicare for all" plan would boost government health spending by $32.6 trillion over 10 years, requiring historic tax hikes, says a study released Monday by a university-based libertarian policy center.

That's trillion with a "T."


Also called "single-payer" over the years, "Medicare for all" reflects a longtime wish among liberals for a government-run system that covers all Americans. With Republicans in charge of Congress and the White House, it has little chance.

But Sanders' idea has broad rank-and-file support among Democrats, and polls show it also appeals to many independents. Looking ahead to the 2020 election, Democrats are debating whether single-payer should be a "litmus test" for national candidates.

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