Putting Kentucky First, an organization supported by the Republican Governors Association (RGA), today released its closing television ad campaign in the Kentucky gubernatorial election. Titled “Values,” the 30-second and 15-second ads reinforce Democrat Andy Beshear’s record of standing with the radical “resistance” and against Kentucky values.
Beshear has proven time and again through his rhetoric and associations that, if elected, he would be an ally of the radical left. Within days of becoming his party’s nominee, Beshear publicly vowed to stonewall the president’s agenda, stating he is running to “stop the negative policies of Donald Trump.” That sentiment shouldn’t have come as a surprise to anyone familiar with his tenure as attorney general, where he has used his office to file lawsuit after lawsuit to obstruct the Trump-Bevin agenda.
Given Beshear’s record, it’s only natural that liberal activist groups have flocked to his campaign. Beshear could not contain his excitement when Indivisible, an organization that supports impeaching the president and backs extremists like Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and Ilhan Omar, endorsed his campaign. His policy positions are also in line with the radical left – unlike President Trump and Governor Bevin, Beshear opposes a ban on sanctuary cities and supports giving taxpayer-funded benefits to individuals who can work but choose not to.
“As a darling of the radical resistance, Andy Beshear has made it clear that his values are more in line with the average socialist than the average Kentuckian,” said RGA Communications Director Amelia Chassé Alcivar. “By continuing to work with President Trump, Governor Bevin will keep moving Kentucky forward while liberal Andy Beshear would bring Kentucky leftward and backward.”
Closing Ad in Kentucky Gov Race Hits Andy Beshear For Resistance Ties
The ad reinforces Democrat Andy Beshear’s record of standing with the radical “resistance” and against Kentucky values.