Chief Malloy Enabler Nancy Wyman Leaves Connecticut Democrats Waiting On Gov Decision For 2018

Should Wyman decide to run, she will be forced to campaign on Malloy’s nearly eight-year record.

The RGA writes:

With Connecticut Democrat leaders like Ted Kennedy Jr., Kevin Lembo, George Jepsen, and Failed Governor Dan Malloy all taking a pass on running for the state’s highest office in 2018, their Party finds itself anxiously waiting for Malloy’s Chief Enabler, Lieutenant Governor Nancy Wyman, to decide on whether she’ll enter the race. Despite pledging that she would make her decision after Connecticut’s 2017 budget issues were resolved, the Hartford Courant reports that Wyman still refuses to say if she will enter.

Should Wyman decide to run, she will be forced to campaign on Malloy’s nearly eight-year record of catastrophic tax hikes, constant budget crises, credit downgrades, high profile business departures, and stagnant economic growth. Despite the Malloy administration’s disastrous impact on the state, Wyman has stood by him every step of the way, using her power as Lieutenant Governor to approve costly union concession deals backed by Malloy while doubling down on his tax-and-spend agenda.

After nearly eight years of economic decline and crushing tax hikes under the Malloy-Wyman administration, Connecticut is desperate for new leadership to change the Nutmeg State’s course, not a third term Dan Malloy’s failed policies. Connecticut deserves a governor who will turn the page on disastrous Democrat rule, but Nancy Wyman would only double down on Malloy’s failures.
