Chicago Tribune: J.B. Pritzker Still Won’t Say What His Tax Hike Rate Would Be

J.B. Pritzker still won’t say how high he would raise taxes if elected.

The Republican Governors Association writes:

Despite criticism from editorial boards across Illinois over his refusal to detail the specifics of his “immediate increase” tax hike plan, J.B. Pritzker still won’t say how high he would raise taxes if elected.

The Chicago Tribune is again calling out the Illinois Democrat gubernatorial candidate, writing that “Pritkzer, however, has refused to say what those tax rates should be—something that has given Rauner an opening to attack a change in the income tax as higher taxes on everyone.”

As the heir to the Hyatt hotel fortune and an expert at using insider schemes to avoid paying his fair share in taxes, Pritzker simply does not appreciate what his tax hike would do to struggling families.

Hardworking Illinois families already having a difficult time paying their tax bills should be deeply concerned about Pritzker’s lack of honesty and candor about his tax increase proposals.


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