Alaska Can’t Afford Four More Years With Bill Walker As Governor

Gov. Walker has announced his re-election campaign, but Alaskans can do better.


After numerous credit downgrades, a $3 billion deficit, and a reputation as one of the worst states in America for business, Alaskans can’t afford four more years of Bill Walker as governor. Walker announced his re-election campaign today, vowing with his running mate to finish “the work we have started.” But after nearly four years of failed policies that have made Alaska’s economy worse and job outlook bleak, Walker is already previewing the damage he would do if re-elected, with a goal of increasing the tax burden on Alaska’s citizens with a major tax hike.

With Alaska ranked as one of the worsts states in the country for business in 2017 by CNBC and a credit rating that has been downgraded multiple times since he took office, Walker now seems to think that more job-killing tax hikes are what Alaskans want. But as recent polling shows, Walker is one of the most unpopular governors in America, as Alaska voters are fed-with his failed leadership and policies that have hurt the state and pushed it backwards.

Must Read Alaska: Alaska governor struggles for approval; Begich circles

Gov. Bill Walker’s popularity has slipped in the past 12 months. The Alaska governor who ran as a nonpartisan candidate is now the fifth least approved of governor in the nation.

Associated Press: Under Gov. Walker, Lawmakers Still Struggling With 3 Billion Budget Deficit

“State Lawmakers continue working overtime to try to come up with a budget solution. The two sides haven’t been able to agree on proposals that would help reduce the $3 billion deficit.”

Alaska Was Recently Ranked As One of the Worst States For Business By CNBC.

The oil slump has sent a chill through The Last Frontier, opening a massive budget gap and putting the economy on ice.

Tribune News Service: 
Alaska's Credit Rating Downgraded Twice in One Week

S&P Global Ratings dropped Alaska's general obligation debt rating from AA+ to AA, with a negative outlook. This is just the latest in bad credit rating news for Alaska. Its rating has been sliding since last year.

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