Absentee Gov. Jay Inslee’s Poll Numbers Tank Following Failed Presidential Run

A new, independent poll shows Inslee’s support tanking among Washington State voters, with 57% disapproving of his job performance.

Per The RGA:

Budding artist and former delusional Democratic presidential candidate Jay Inslee has returned back to work (hopefully) as Governor of Washington State, but he’s received anything but a hero’s welcome.

Inslee, a Green New Deal enthusiast who spent the better part of 2019 jet setting around the country, advocating for the policies that made him the “worst Governor in the country when it comes to fiscal policy,” has left a sour taste in the mouths of many of the constituents he was so eager to leave behind for his national ambitions – and he’s got the poll numbers to prove it.

A new, independent poll shows Inslee’s support tanking among Washington State voters, with 57% disapproving of his job performance. That’s more than a 10-point nosedive from a year ago, when 46% of voters registered their disapproval of Inslee in January 2019. With nearly 60% of Washingtonians unhappy with their ultra-liberal absentee governor, a third term could be a tall order for Inslee.

Inslee’s taking approval ratings should come as no surprise, given he outright rejected voters’ demands that he pony up the money to pay for security costs associated with his fairytale presidential bid instead of sticking the already overburdened taxpayers with the bill.

“With a ballooning tax burden and homelessness and infrastructure crises spiraling out of control, it’s no wonder the majority of Washingtonians don’t believe Jay Inslee is working for them,” said RGA Communications Director Amelia Chassé Alcivar. “Governor Inslee has made it clear that serving the people of Washington State is far from his top priority – now he has to answer to the voters.”


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